14/12 Birthday - Zodiac Information

December 14 Zodiac Sign: Personality Traits, Compatibility, Career And More

Sagittarius, born December 14, is naturally charismatic and not afraid to take risks. Your friends and family know you for your warm, friendly and charming personality. You enjoy the social environment because it gives you the opportunity to use your natural gifts to communicate to captivate your audience. In many ways, you are a showman, which may explain why you are so comfortable taking risks. You know that without risk, there are no worthy rewards.

Fire is a paired element of Sagittarius, and, in fact, you are the only sign of the zodiac that has a changeable connection with the element. Your special connection with fire allows you to easily adapt and be warm in communication. More broadly, it is the fire that fuels the passion and determination that are so intimately connected to your being. When you face challenges or challenging tasks, your flame will burn until you achieve your goals. Fire Embrace is one of your greatest strengths, as long as you avoid impatience and impulsiveness, which can turn into one of your weaknesses.

Your natural abilities are energetic and quick-witted, and they create the opportunity to succeed in a variety of career areas. If you love success and an audience, you can excel in areas such as business, advertising, public relations, or lecturing. Your communication skills can lead you to writing or poetry, much like Nostradamus, who was also born on December 14th.



Individuals born on December 14th carry a cross, which is tough and robust and gives them structure and trust to prepare ahead and excel in their chosen careers. They maintain a responsible and firm attitude while remaining faithful and committed to the work and projects they initiated. Their sense of justice needs to be put to good use so they can relax, get enough rest, and care for their personal life rather than seeking weaknesses in grand systems that drain too much of their resources. Their career is intended to inspire and direct them while also allowing space for their personal life to develop in a purely emotional state. Frustration, like anger, can be transformed into inspiration, and the powerful push forward will come when they stop restricting their energies to match the standards of the outside world.


December 14th Zodiac Sign (Sagittarius)

The Sabian sign for Sagittarius members born on December 14th in every non-leap year:

“A Chinese Laundry”

In a leap year, the Sabian sign for Sagittarius members born on December 14th is:

“A Group of Immigrants as They Meet the Requirements for Admission to

the New Country”

Foreign and diverse individuals and cultures intertwine with the lives of those born on this date as if they were supposed to encounter many extremes to see the compassionate approach to equality among us. They are humanitarians in the sense that they require open horizons that clarify the world’s diversity while leaving their own choices open. They aren’t supposed to be trapped in one position, clinging to the illusion that their way of life, faith, or ethnicity is superior to anyone else’s. It is wise for these individuals to travel to distant countries, experience different customs, and broaden their horizons in ways that enable them to breathe and grow at their rate.


People born on December 14th find their purpose in life in the spirit of Mars, which means they must find a physical way to take concrete steps and ground their ideas with an open heart. They need a clean mind, an emotional world that is ready to attract circumstances that enable them to be free to develop, and a body that is powerful enough to handle high frequencies of thoughts that genuinely inspire them. They must differentiate their world of aspirations from those of others, as they require powerful grounding, strength, and firm boundaries against those who bruise them in some way.


When Sagittarius members born on December 14th fall in love, they are prone to be entangled in a web of unresolved ancestral emotional issues. They may have an inexplicable aversion to romantic relationships, or they may remain in long-term relationships that aren’t as satisfying as they would like. Whatever the case may be, something seems to be standing in the way of the intimacy and love stories they wish to live. While strong frameworks may have an excellent opportunity for a happy married life and deep engagement, they must conquer the challenges left for them to tackle. These problems can be visible in relationships between parents or grandparents who seem to drive something to repeat in their own lives.

Some of them may feel cursed at times, mainly if the same sad love story repeats itself too often as if they are incapable of learning the lesson served on their platter. They must turn inwards, meditate, calm their bodies, and instead of finding external answers, reach into their hearts to determine the exact message that the individual in front of them is attempting to teach. Obstacles will be resolved once they realize their heart’s truth, and they will be able to communicate on a profoundly emotional level with a special person.


A person born on December 14th is an excellent architect, planner, and historian, willing to travel a long road to uncover the truth about distant times that served as the cornerstone for the life we live today. They are inquisitive and will not give up at the first sign of difficulty, usually gravitating toward fields of experience that provide roots and lay the groundwork for a well-structured future for themselves or those around them.


December 14th Zodiac Sign (Sagittarius)

Novaculite is a good stone for those born on December 14th because it helps them break ties with the past and problems that are no longer relevant to their personal development. This crystal is said to improve one’s intuition, allowing them to connect with the higher truth they were supposed to seek rather than clinging to relationships and life issues that prevent them from moving forward. It aids in problem-solving and refines the life force vitality of those who use it.


A birthday present for those born on November 14th should arrive on time, keeping with tradition and what they expect each year. Even if they don’t seem rigid or stuck in a routine, they value the sense of security that comes from close relationships. They want their special dates and occasions to be remembered and appreciated. They are humble and enjoy receiving gifts in general, particularly simple and practical ones with a childlike imprint and something to pique their interest. Boost problem-solving skills, purchase a video console, carry a computer that they must install from the ground up, or select an intricate piece of artistic equipment, such as a new lens for their camera that they recently learned they need.


They are stable and active, always there for those who need help. They are organized, trustworthy, and respectful of the people they care about. They will build healthy boundaries and recognize harmony between their work and personal life because they are ambitious and looking for unique professional opportunities.


They get trapped in their convictions and make the same mistakes over and over again, finding evidence of their negative beliefs in their situations rather than learning to move on.


  • In 1546 Tycho Brahe (Tyge Ottesen Brahe) was born, a Danish astronomer, astrologer, and “alchemist” known for his accurate planetary and astronomical observation. He has been described as the first competent mind in astronomy of his time, with an intense passion for exact empirical facts.
  • In 1946 Patty Duke was born, an American actress who won an Academy Award in 1962 for her role in The Miracle Worker. Her private life brought her much attention, and she was diagnosed with bipolar disorder that led to some extreme choices in her lifetime.
  • In 1946 Michael Ovitz was born, an American businessman and investor known as a talent agent who co-founded Creative Artists Agency and served as the chairman for 20 years. He has donated millions to charity, especially for the field of medicine.


  • 1902- The first Pacific telegraph cable was laid, connecting San Francisco and Honolulu.
  • 1911- The first team crossed the South Pole.
  • 1918 – Women are granted the right to vote in the first general election in the United Kingdom.
  • 1940- Plutonium (Pu-238) was isolated for the first time.
  • 1962 – A spacecraft flies by Venus for the first time.

sagittarius Information

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Sagittarius sign

Sagittarius zodiac sign is an active (male) sign and it shows in the symbol. He,

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Sagittarius horoscope

Sagittarius belongs to the mutable signs and its element is fire; It is one of