09/02 Birthday - Zodiac Information
February 25 Zodiac Sign: Personality Traits, Compatibility, Career And More
As an Aquarius born on February 9, your personality is defined by your charming, romantic and impulsive nature. People seem to be drawn to your personality as you are mysterious and warm-hearted. Numerous admirers are perfect for your romantic nature, as you really enjoy being in love and getting love. However, your relationship may not last long, as you are quite impulsive. In all aspects of life, you can seek out new and varied interests on a whim.
Air is your sign’s paired element, and of all the 12 signs of the zodiac, you have the only fixed connection with the element. Your special connection to the air endows you with the stubborn qualities of a fierce wind. As is the case with all air signs of the zodiac, air awakens a strong curiosity in you. When your interest reaches its peak, the air pushes you towards knowledge and understanding. Embracing the positive qualities of the air will greatly help you in life if you avoid the negative qualities of the air. If left unchecked, stagnant air quality can cause bouts of withdrawal.
Social and original, your natural abilities lend themselves well to a variety of career paths, though narrowing down your choices to one is always easier said than done. Because you need a constant change of pace and environment, a career that involves travel, such as in sales, international business, or consulting, may suit you. Likewise, your caring nature may well reflect in a career that involves people, such as teaching, counseling, or counseling. If you are musically inclined, you can use your creativity and sensibility as a lyricist like Travis Tritt who was also born on February 9th.
(Pluto) – NEPTUNE – (Pluto) – MOON
Family circumstances are secretive and strange, and while one might need an intimate and loving bond with their mother, they’re likely going to idealize her and carry her scent around as faith in the goodness within the world. On the opposite hand, even the slightest of weaknesses is emphasized, and a loss of control is sort of inevitable. In many cases, one or both of their parents will have problems with abandonment, illusions, narcotics, or alcohol. This serves them well to clarify things and rummage for their truth and freedom within the world of beliefs that guide them in the right direction. The only thing they have to make is the strength of character and heart that produces them powerful enough to not succumb to negative influences to numb the pain.
The Sabian symbol for Aquarius representatives born on February 9th of an intercalary year and two years preceding it: “A Pieris brassicae Dove Bearing a Message.”
“A Disappointed and Disillusioned Woman Courageously Faces a Seemingly Empty Life” We can see that the Moon with Neptune creates a sensitive atmosphere, for a dove may be a symbol of this contact of celestial bodies, even as a disillusioned woman is. The positive note of this mixture of Sabian symbols is what should amaze us, for there’s no sign of discarding here, only bravery that’s needed to beat difficulties and disappointment, and a message from the guts that must be found. It’s the last word declaration of affection for self, found within the flow of sensitivity that leads towards our mission, as soon as we face our weaknesses and recognize them as strengths.
The destination of every person born on the 9th of February is feelings of calm, peace, and home. It’s their heart that must be nurtured, and this is often always seen through their tribe as a story of protection or lack of it that has to be balanced out so that the world doesn’t seem rough and scary. Their convictions have to be healthy for their hearts to feel strong, and there’s always a family secret and a mystery to unveil on their path towards happiness.
This is a highly emotional time in February when everything comes all the way down to the emotion itself. Heavenly love is to be found within those individuals’ hearts, and challenges will come through disappointments, platonic bonds, and relationships that do not become destructive and toxic over time. They’ll help those in need and sometimes choose a partner to heal, help through difficult times in life, only to go away once their quest is over. This is often in no way straightforward guidance for an Aquarius. Still, their state of Neptune’s exaltation and understanding of religion and the “upper spheres” will help them through any hardship that may come.
Their hearts are either too open or closed shut, and work is required for them to keep their boundaries healthy after they get intimate and hold on to their personal life while at the same time respecting the opposite person.
If there was an Aquarius born for any kind of humanitarian work, SOS hotlines, suicide cases, and psychology, it’d be the Aquarius born on the 9th of February. If they only manage to distance themselves from other people’s problems to grasp to an adequate degree where they end and where the opposite person begins.
The perfect stone to appease the souls of those ceremonies born on the 9th of February is the okenite. Its structure is commonly described as heavenly, warm, and fuzzy, and it serves someone to seek out the sentiments of heat in their heart, comforting them and inspiring forgiveness of self et al. It’s a stone to reduce denial that eases the harshness of truth.
To find the proper gift for an individual born on this date, you would like to sink into the unknown and depend on faith. They need their talents to be acknowledged, and whether or not they do not use them daily, it’ll make them happy to induce something which will be won’t to show them within the future. Fictional characters, books of fairy tales, and everything sparkly, magical, and strange will give them chills, and a young emotion must be seen through the gesture.
A tender soul, willing to assist, these people are givers with no restraint and limitation. So talented to share, they’re caring idealists who truly wish to form this world a stronger place for the whole civilization.
Too at risk of handling the planet, often turning to habit to anesthetize overwhelming emotions in their hearts, choosing illusion over the real world, and losing sight of the importance of the globe they sleep in.
- In 1925, John B. Cobb was born, an American philosopher, theologian, and environmentalist elected in 2014 to the celebrated American Academy of Arts and Sciences. His work is unified along with his emphasis on ecological interdependence – the thought that each part of the ecosystem is reliant on all the opposite parts, arguing that humanity’s most urgent task is to preserve the globe on which it lives and depends.
- In 1932, Gerhard Richter was born, a German painter and photographer known for his abstracts and photorealistic paintings, photographs, and glass pieces.
- 1621 – Gregory XV (born on January 9th) is elevated to the papacy because the last Pope was elected by acclamation.
- 1900 – The establishment of the loving cup competition.
- 1964 – The Beatles appear on The master of ceremonies Show for the primary time and perform before an audience of 73 million viewers across America, breaking all records.
- 1986 – Halley’s Comet appeared within the inner scheme for the last time.