15/03 Birthday - Zodiac Information
March 15 Zodiac Sign: Personality Traits, Compatibility, Career And More
As a Pisces born on March 15, your passion and open-mindedness define you. In all life matters you bring intensity and passion. This explains why you dedicate an endless amount of time and effort to everything that you consider worthwhile, especially family/loved ones. While others prefer to stick with the familiar, you spend a lot of time experimenting. Since you are ready to try anything at least once, you have accumulated a wide range of interests.
The paired element of your sign is water, and of all the signs of the zodiac, only Pisces has a changeable connection with the element. In many ways, your personality reflects the fluid and adaptable qualities of flowing water. Your special relationship with water also gives you solace in the rocky sea of emotions. As you embrace the positive qualities of water, your emotional understanding and compassion will grow, but be careful to avoid being moody, which is one of the negative effects of water.
You are an excellent communicator and compassionate, and your natural ability will open several career opportunities for you. Your quick mind and perseverance can catapult you into leadership positions in business, management or administration. In the same light, your sensitivity and artistic inclinations can lead you to artistic, musical, or lyrical expression, as was the case with Will I. Am, who was also born on March 15th.
The entire story of this planetary row boils down to the various forms of self-expression required for an individual to develop enough freedom and growth. They usually start humble and lacking in some way, only to discover later that they can grow and shine just as they are, accepting their true purpose in life. The most important thing for these people to learn is how to describe themselves in as few words as possible before they fade into nonverbal communication that genuinely meets all of their needs.
Pisces members born on March 15th of the year preceding a leap year have the following Sabian symbol:
“People are Seen Living in Close Interaction on a Small Island Surrounded by the Vast Expanse of the Sea”
The Sabian sign for Pisces people born on March 15th of a leap year and the two years after:
“A Religious Group Overcomes the Corruptive Influence of Perverted Practices and Materialized Ideals”
These two Sabian symbols represent confidence and human relations that enable things to happen. This entire date is characterized by Unity of Thought, which calls for tremendous physical strength for all of the divine energy it brings to be adequately grounded. It may be difficult for someone born on this date to find the right spiritual community to join, but once they see their link to the unseen world, they will blossom and be able to overcome any attachment or difficulty they may face in life.
Those born on March 15th aim to link to all those higher planes and see the big picture rather than focusing on the details. They need something magical and uplifting to restore their confidence and make them feel as though they are in the right place at the right time. They’ll need a mission and much enthusiasm to get through the obstacles they’ll face along the way. They will realize they have done all right when they begin to live their dream and highest hopes.
People born on March 15th believe that love appears at inopportune times and expresses itself through their partner’s relationships with their circle of family and friends. They need someone who is well-integrated into their system but can still broaden their horizons in a balanced manner while respecting their personal space and boundaries. Even with their Sun in Pisces indicating their dreamy and idealistic existence, they are very realistic while choosing a partner, and they must learn to develop through love, trust, and devotion.
They are never prepared for the effects of grand love stories that will eventually be a part of their lives because their attachments are casual at first. This makes them vulnerable to those that elicit strong emotions in them that aren’t the healthiest choice. As long as their confidence in their senses evolves and grows, so does their romantic lives, leading them to the love they desire in its most natural form.
An individual born on March 15th excels in all forms of public self-expression, including writing, public speaking, and religious leadership. Their primary emphasis is communication, but nonverbal interaction is the trustworthy source of inspiration in their culture. They will be wanderers and adventurers, but they will be much more realistic than other Pisces members, which will enable them to shine in places that need meticulous attention to detail while keeping the big picture in mind.
Lapis Lazuli, a blue stone that resonates with reality in its purest form, is one of the most powerful crystals for people born on March 15th. It is a stone that can aid in releasing frustration that has built up due to balanced mental and verbal processes. Helping the growth of intuition and psychic abilities, it will support a person set free from imagination and will challenge as much as it helps those who wear it.
Of all Pisces members, those born on March 15th have the best potential to accept and value the practicality of the gift you select for their birthday. Purchase something they will use in their daily lives, such as a book to read or a device that will allow them to save time in their schedule. Don’t give up on the feeling of magic or the Piscean glow of beauty, however. Choose foggy, starry, or rainbow patterns instead, something that transports them back to childhood or brings vivid colors and fairytales into their lives.
They are active and changeable, quickly adapting to new circumstances and relationships. They are intelligent, eloquent, and always on the move. They are team players with a high level of enthusiasm and will inspire those they speak with.
They are superficial and talk too fast and too much, and they do not listen to their senses. When they lose confidence in little things, they will make sound decisions that will not make them happy.
- Jules Chevalier, a French priest responsible for founding the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart, was born in 1824. He apprenticed as a shoemaker for 30 years because he was unable to enter the seminary.
- Terence Trent D’Arby, an American singer and songwriter who rose to fame with Wishing Well and Sign Your Name, was born in 1962. Before becoming a well-known musician, he learned to be a boxer and enlisted in the United States Army.
- Eva Longoria, an American actress, producer, and activist, was born in 1975. She is best known for her role as Gabrielle Solis in the television series Desperate Housewives. She’s also a well-educated student, having earned a master’s degree from California State University for her thesis, “Success STEMS from Diversity: The Value of Latinas in STEM Careers.”
- 44 BC- Julius Caesar (born on July 13th) is stabbed to death by a group of Roman senators.
- 1877- The first official cricket match was played between Australia and England.
- 1906- Rolls-Royce Limited was founded.
- 1917 – Tsar Nicholas II of Russia (born May 18th) abdicates the Russian throne, bringing an end to the Romanov dynasty’s 300-year reign.
- 1952 – The amount of rain falling in a 24-hour cycle sets a new world record of 1870 mm.
- 1985- The first internet domain name was registered.