Gemini: History And Myths You Did Not Know About


Element: Air

Quality: Mutable

Color: Light-Green, Yellow

Day: Wednesday

Ruler: Mercury

Greatest Overall Compatibility: Sagittarius, Aquarius

Lucky Numbers: 5, 7, 14, 23

Date range: May 21 - June 20


As with other signs within the zodiac, Gemini within the same position is, of course, the constellation of Gemini. Within the zodiac, it follows Taurus and takes the third 30 degrees of the zodiacal circle. Gemini could be a mutable sign preceding the summer, and per se, it announces change while ruling the time of year when Taurus spring has ended, and life on Earth is near to change. Spring is dying down, and preparations are in hot water summer to require over with the start of Cancer.

The word “Gemini” could be a Latin word for twins, and it’s on every one of the constellations that genuinely appear as if its name would suggest. The primary known reference of the Gemini constellation was in Aristotle’s Meteorologica, over 300 years BC. He mentions that he observed an occulting star in Gemini and speaks of observing Jupiter in conjunction with it. In Babylonian astronomy, these stars were called the good twins and thought to be minor gods – Meshlamtaea (The One who has arisen from the underworld) and Lugalirra (The Mighty King).

This constellation is found between Taurus at the west and Cancer at the east. It’s unique because the twins from classical mythology weren’t represented only by the constellation but by actual stars which mark the twin’s heads in it. Pollux is that the brightest star in Gemini, and it’s an orange-hued star, and Castor is that the second-brightest star during this constellation, and it’s a sextuple star which appears as a blue-white star to the unaided eye.


Gemini History

The myth of Gemini may be a myth of Castor and Pollux, sons of Zeus and Leda. Leda was the wife of Tyndareus, king of Sparta. One among the versions of this myth states that Leda got seduced or raped by Zeus disguised as a swan on a very night when she shared a bed with her husband. As a result, she hatched two eggs from which four children were born, mortal and immortal, for they need different fathers, and among them – Castor and Pollux.

Castor was the mortal twin brother, and Pollux was immortal. They never fought and loved one another greatly. Pollux was known for his boxing skills and Castor as a horse tamer. Brothers aspired to marry two women who were already betrothed to 2 of their cousins. This resulted in a family feud, and Castor was fatally wounded by one amongst the cousins as a consequence. Zeus gave an option to Pollux – to exist as an immortal at Limbus among the gods or give 1/2 his immortality to his brother Castor. He opted for the latter, and the twins shared life and death by spending each day at Olympus together followed daily at Hades – the underworld.

The second story is connected to the birth of the twins, within which they are Leda’s sons. By this version of the parable, Zeus fell enamored with Nemesis, who was the spirit of divine retribution against those that succumb to hubris (arrogance before gods). She represented the inevitability of fate to those that were godless and evil. Zeus started chasing her, engaged in the intense attraction he felt, and he or she began changing shapes to flee him. When she transformed into a goose, Zeus found her, became a swan himself, and mated together with her passionately. As a result, two eggs hatched, found by Leda within the swamp, and she or he claimed them as her own.


This myth reminds us of sincere cohesion and may manifest through the love for a brother or a friendship that’s so close that it seems like a brotherhood. It tells about two folks that don’t care about their differences and are prepared to trot to anything for each other. They might have trouble with women who have already got a person in their life, and that we can certainly see an image of two men fighting over a girl. If one of them gets badly hurt, it’s to be expected that the opposite one will give anything to assist him. The sign and the constellation of Gemini represent a link of heaven and the underworld and might represent some death experience or any style of intense contact with death.

Behind most stories, there’s a face of Zeus that shows a father who presented himself as something he’s not, only to seduce their mother. During a truly challenging position, we will even see brothers born from rape or adopted children whose mother left them (in a swamp). The second version of the parable tells us about overcoming the inevitable. The chase for beating inevitability is sort of always present within the sign of Gemini.


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