Capricorn is a cardinal and earth sign, and one of the most constant, solid and calm signs of the zodiac. He is also characterized by being prudent and practical in all matters that concern him. Its most negative aspects tend towards pessimism, fixity and melancholy.
In general, they are hard-working people, responsible and willing to persist as long as it takes to achieve their goal; they are also very reliable and have a high dose of patience and endurance to move towards their goals; in this sense, their capacity for management is amazing. On the other hand, they do not tolerate dishonesty or discipline.
Capricorn treasures knowledge through experience… He is the wise man who recognizes and values what is necessary from what is not, what persists from what perishes, reality and its representation.
When it comes to love, relationships are sometimes difficult, especially with the opposite sex; it takes a lot of dedication. Although once they fall in love, they are usually very faithful and somewhat jealous people. Capricorn’s reticence stems from his thinking; For the goat, safe sex is the best sex.
Don't let yourself be stressed out by people who only want to take advantage of you. Be aware and stay away.
You should thoroughly evaluate all
Capricorn Horoscope: Weekly
You might feel a new sincere enthusiasm when it comes to your romantic relationship. If there has been some detachment in your interactions, then you
Capricorn Horoscope: Monthly
Venus and Mars are linked to love life and are at a complicated angle. Unreasonable demands and harsh criticism could jeopardize the continuity of the