Branch astrology: Explore all the different branches of astrology
Since ancient times, when people interpreted the stars’ position concerning agricultural needs and told stories around the fireplace inspired by the skies, astrology has grown in popularity. It has evolved in many different directions over time to meet the diverse needs of mankind, as an extremely powerful tool for self-discovery and all kinds of predictions. Astrology has served as everything from a king’s election tool to a beacon of hope for those in need. Its dark ages and degradation had a positive impact on it. It is now stronger than it has ever been, with so many different things to offer and numerous approaches to fit any need that arises.
The Basics!
Astrology’s basic division will assign Modern Astrology to the Western hemisphere and call it Western Astrology, while Vedic, or Indian Astrology, will be associated with the East. Also, there is an entirely different perspective that has emerged as a result of Chinese Astrology. These have developed independently and their basic assumptions and astronomical points of interest, charts and divisions are vastly different.
First, Indian Astrology uses the sidereal zodiac, whereas Western Astrology uses the tropical zodiac, which is defined by the start of spring. Second, the fixed star Spica, which is considered the exact opposite of Aries’ beginning, is tied to the sidereal zodiac. This star is currently near the 24th degree of Libra in the tropical zodiac, a difference of approximately 24 degrees between the two zodiacs. Once every 25920 years, these two zodiacs will be identical and the next time won’t be for thousands of years.
Western Astrology
Our focus will primarily be on Western Astrology branches, as it provides the most comprehensive understanding of a human being as an individual, complete with strengths and weaknesses, while also allowing for changes in personality and life circumstances. Western Astrology may not be the closest to free will, but it does allow for more flexibility in a single person’s face than other astrological teachings. Eastern astrologers frequently claim to be the inventors of astrology, clinging to zodiac constants that their entire system supports.
This approach’s flaw lies primarily in the claim itself because no one owns astrology, and there is no such thing as “right astrology” – only the one that each astrologer knows best. So if we want to believe that things aren’t set in stone, we’ll look to the left for comfort, psychological explanations and the possibility of change, just as we would look to the East for acceptance, sacrifice and modesty.
Western Astrology has many different branches, and it isn’t easy to include all of them in our list. There may be other, unlisted approaches out there and while the majority of them are listed here or fall into one of these categories, some may have escaped our notice. If this is the case, do get in touch with us and let us know which additional branch would be of interest to you.
The metaphysical principle that mathematical relationships express qualities or “tones” of energy manifested in numbers, visual angles, shapes and sounds – all connected within a pattern of proportion – is at the heart of astrology. Pythagoras was the first to discover that a musical note’s pitch is proportional to the length of the string that produces it and that intervals between harmonious sound frequencies can be expressed as simple numerical ratios.
Pythagoras proposed that the Sun, Moon, and planets emit their unique hum based on their orbital revolution. The quality of life on Earth reflects the tenor of celestial sounds that are physically imperceptible to the human ear in his Harmony of the Spheres theory. Following that, Plato described astronomy and music as “twinned” studies of sensual recognition: astronomy for the eyes, music for the ears, and both requiring numerical proportions of knowledge.
6 Types Of Astrology, Explained
Natal Astrology is a type of astrology that is frequently used in astrological consultations. It focuses on a person’s natal chart, including its possibilities, potentials, and issues, as well as ways to embrace or resolve them. Many astrologers believe it is inextricably linked to various predictive techniques. Still, natal and predictive astrology are vastly different, with the primary difference being the astrologer’s intent to speak of one’s personality or future – two very different things.
Horary Astrology is a subset of astrology that answers questions that an astrologer becomes aware of at a specific point in time. This technique does not require birth chart readings and relies solely on the Theory of Synchronicity and the astrologer’s belief in the causality of time.
Electional Astrology, also known as Event Astrology, is a branch of astrology that focuses on determining the best time for any future activity. Its main goal is to help someone calm down their difficult natal aspects with a simple choice of the moment and emphasize favorable natal positions to turn the image to their advantage. Of course, it is impossible to change one’s natal chart or escape the scope of one’s abilities, but we can make something easier to work with and rely on the flow we can create.
Mundane astrology is a branch of astrology that focuses on global, national, and government-level events rather than individual events. It operates on a slightly higher level to comprehend societal fluctuations, political and financial changes, and the situation in a country’s relationship with its neighbors and the rest of the world.
To truly comprehend Medical Astrology, we must first comprehend the interconnections between various body parts and the functioning of our entire body system. Medical Astrology is based on each body part and organ’s symbolism and thus works well with Energy Astrology.
Astrology can be used to understand a person’s individuality and their relationship with another individual. We use Relationship Astrology to understand the middle ground between two (or more) people, their potential problems, and areas where the energy flow is easy and calm.
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