When are you going to get married according to your zodiac sign?
You are looking for a partner and falling in love with one thing, wanting to marry quite another. According to each zodiac sign, the need to seal the engagement with a wedding changes a lot depending on the date of birth of each one. Some want it to the death, those who do not see it as a goal to be achieved, and those who find it without looking for it but embark on the adventure as one more challenge. Keep reading and know when you are going to get married according to your sign:
Aries, you are going to get married when you find someone who makes you feel, vibrate and rise to the skies in the most beautiful adventure you could imagine. Even if you say that you do not like romantic stories, deep down, you are more romantic than you like to admit. But above all, what makes you feel in love and not wanting that story to end, is seeing yourself in a relationship that does not bore you, which is a continuous stimulus to want more. It gives you what you want and does not provide you with something negative to take two steps back. And that when it does involve some ugly part, you take it as a challenge, and you want to overcome it. And when something makes you angry with that person, you are willing to fix it and continue as you were. Because that person is the one you have always waited for, she brings out the best in you. You admire her, and you don’t know if the best thing with her is what you talk about, what you do outside the home, or what you do in bed. Everything adds up to want it never to end.
Taurus, you will get married when you have found the person of your dreams. Because you have always dreamed of meeting someone, building a relationship, getting engaged, and everything ending in a wedding. And the wedding will be the beginning of a love story much better than what you have experienced until the day of the wedding. Because you, and although you enjoy the conquest, the first kisses, hugs, sex, and dates to establish the relationship, what you have always liked the most is to imagine what would come next. Feeling that there is someone in your life for whom you are the most important, but because that person is also the most important to you. And have a stable, calm relationship, with a lot of enjoyment at home, away from home, in bed, on the sofa, in the bathroom, or the kitchen. And share it all.
Gemini, you will get married when you find that person so similar to you that it could almost seem an extension of yourself. But so different from you that meeting her and being by her side as a couple will be a tremendous challenge that will have you skimming the clouds. That person will touch your heart because he knows you and wants more because he does not care about your madness, your crazy mind, your desire to have fun, your intense life, or your ability to see everything better than it is. You don’t like people who force you to take on the most serious part of life, instead of letting you see the glass always half full and not half empty as they see it. So finding that person who enables you to be you, who is there for everything, who knows how to be but knows how to get out of the way when you want your freedom, who knows how to have fun with you but, above all, who knows how to cheer you up when you have a downturn, it will be crazy that you want it to end at a wedding—an ideal wedding of death with your two million friends.
Cancer, you will get married, fulfilling that dream that you have always had. And even if it has crossed your mind to do it before with someone else, you will do it with the one you know is the ultimate because it meets all the expectations you had. She knows you, understands you, pampers and takes care of you, and lets you do the same with her. He does not judge you when you do something wrong and accepts your reproaches when he fails you. What’s more, when he fails you, he doesn’t give you a thousand apologies, my excuses, and he asks you a thousand false pardons as many other people do. You are going to get married but because that person has also got on with your family, friends, with your children if you already had them, with your life. And it will make you feel at peace with life, letting you enjoy yourself, and feeling very, very understood by their side when you have some of those days where you want to kill everyone. What’s more, They will tell you that if the police arrive, they will tell them that you are not the culprit. If not they. And you will die of love.
Leo, when someone tells you when you are going to get married, it won’t take you a second to answer because it is something you are very clear about. You are going to get married because you have found that one that you never imagined could be, but that was always in your head. It was always a reality for which you have been preparing. It will be someone you admire and who you will like to show off wherever you go. Someone with personality, charisma, a lot of light, almost everything to match with yourself because you are like that too. Because you like to inspire your partner the same as she inspires you, and receive from her what you give her in advance. You like always to commit yourself, but with that person, you will die to do it because you do not want to lose them in any way, and you will want to carry your commitment until the wedding and beyond. It’s your way of showing that you want to be everything to that person because they already mean everything to you. Because it makes you better, makes you feel better, brings out the best in you, and even prevents you from bringing out the worst because you want me to always see you as perfect.
Virgo, you will get married when you find that person who breaks your schemes by making you jump through the air of pure love. Or because he is someone who is committed, and you love that, because you take love seriously, and you do not like cat and mouse games. For you, love is very, very important, but not everything in life. Therefore, if you fall in love, getting married is to seal that commitment to creating a relationship in which both of you can be together but complementing an individual life that is also very productive and necessary separately, at least for you. And if you decide to get married, it will be because you have found the person you feel is the best. And because that person will put you out of your mind to keep looking for the perfect person. In whose search you have been all your life (sometimes at the cost of losing someone who could have been essential but seemed “imperfect” to you). You will get married when you don’t need to ask yourself a thousand questions about that person, only one whose answer is yes, I do!
Libra is going to get married when that person appears to show you that he is getting to know you and that he likes you more every day and loves you from beginning to end. He does not question your defects, that he loves your virtues, that you seem like a dream. It is true that you may marry because that person wants, and you not so much. You consider yourself a free spirit who doesn’t need those commitments to prove anything. You show what you want by being for that person every day, listening to them, and telling them about your life as well, letting you hug and hug her by surprise when she least expects it. But if that person wants to get married, why not give him that? And the wedding will end up making you very excited, but because it will be with someone who bets on you, who is showing you that he loved you since he wants you to seal your engagement.
Scorpio, you are going to get married when you find that person who magically came to you, who was attracted and who at the same time attracted you, that everything flowed like pure magic. It will be that person with whom you write a new and different chapter of love, affection, desire, sex, and time to share every day. You will want to marry if that means prolonging that the story with that person never ends, that person who loves you as you are, who does not want to change you, who listens to everything you want to tell him, and who does not get angry if you keep something, that he loves you during the day and at night, and that shows you that he loves you even when he is not there. You fall in love with that person who wants commitment the way you want it, who wants to give you everything and receive everything from you. And who is not afraid of love, nor gives it, and likes freedom like you.
Sagittarius, you will get married when that person arrives that you have been waiting for forever but that you did not know. That person as free as you, who does not like chains, or boring life, who wants to travel far but can also have fun when you are only five kilometers from your home. And you want it to last because it has never been easy for you to find someone who understands your cheerful but dominant character, free but committed, close but at the same time-independent. And the icing on the cake will be that with that person you can talk about everything, that they have the same desire to learn as you, that they are not afraid of almost anything, and when they do, they will look for you to hug them. Just like you like to be embraced without asking,
Capricorn, you will get married when you fall in love and want to share your life with that person, start a family and build your relationship with the same base and values. The problem for you is not getting married, since you think it is a way to make a relationship official, make it legal, do things as they should be done. The problem is to find who because it will have to be someone very similar to you in terms of capacity intellectual, commitment to work, and similar thinking in the form and habits of life. All that is what you want and what you would like to find in the person you fall in love with. If he is also someone who knows how to take you, who knows how to create a wonderful balance between being with you and being against you, in a complicit and stimulating fight, it is because you will not have time to ask for the papers to be able to get married.
Aquarius, you will want to get married when you find your soul mate. Yes, your soulmate, those two words that have always seemed silly to you because you think they are love nonsense, just like a lot of romantic nonsense on your knees, rings, weddings, and all that. You believe in love in a way that has no definition. It is defined by two people who know and like each other so much that they want to enjoy many more moments together, talking about everything, fixing the world with your conversations, but also doing things to fix it. The life-long thing takes your breath away a bit. You don’t like what’s conventional, and sometimes you think weddings are. But when you find that person, you will feel like an equal, if she wants a wedding, of course, you want a wedding! If she wants, you want, because you don’t want to lose her, but also because if a wedding means making your feelings and commitment clear, you will. Making it clear that marriage is unnecessary for you. Love should not need symbols like that. But you are flexible and intelligent enough to know that the important things are well worth such a sacrifice in this life.
Pisces, if someone asks you when you are going to get married, you will tell them that when you find that person who, in addition to being your partner in the most typical sense of the word (love love), is also your best friend, your best partner. As the excellent idealist that you are, the person you want to marry will be the one who is everything. And as a good Pisces, everything is everything, so if that person also overshadows any family member and even your pet, all the better. All is all. The truth is that when you fall in love, you always want everything. The wedding is just one more part of the love game. Yes, a fantastic part is a stage to show many people that you have found love with a capital letter. That you have found the person who makes you happy, with whom you feel protected, and with whom you feel complete.
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