Will going out with a Scorpio be your best decision?
When you go out with a person of the Scorpio sign, you know, from the first moment, that it will be something different, something magical, something that will range from absolute happiness to the most intense madness. And you also know, even if you don’t recognize it, that you will never forget them.
The intensity of Scorpio does not have any sign.
When Scorpio loves, he does it with his whole being, and it shows. It shows in how he treats you, in how he looks at you, in how he defends you. With Scorpio, you know, there is no middle ground, so he gives EVERYTHING when he wants to share.
In addition, it is a super independent sign and does not need the help of others to prosper in life. It will encourage you to achieve your goals. Just as they have a purpose in life or several, they will also need their partner to have it too. They don’t stop to get what they think belongs to them, and when they have it, they cling to it with all their might. Scorpio is a fearless sign, it is a trustworthy sign, and it will lift you every time you fall, even if at that moment it is worse than you.
There is no fear in your life.
Scorpio’s life was always very complex since he was little. They were always children with a capacity far superior to others, with an amazing imagination, and full of concerns. He has experienced episodes that could have been taken from the best scripts throughout his life. They have gotten out of incredible trouble, they have fallen, and they have retaken flight. Sometimes he doesn’t even know how he can save himself from some situations. But it has. And that is what motivates him. That strength that he already brought out in his day makes him not afraid of anything. He knows that he can always come out of the deep end. So he does not throw in the towel when something gets difficult. He will fight to the end to recover if he knows you are worth it. He will even fight also when you do not deserve it. They do not back down or run away at the first sign of trouble,
You will never settle for less than you deserve.
Scorpio is very aware of who he is, what he is worth, and what he deserves, but sometimes, he forgets. Sometimes his feelings for someone are so strong that he can put up with carts and wagons. But in the end, it always ends up protecting her heart. They have been through so many internal struggles that, little by little, they have realized what is worthwhile and what is worth nothing. And if Scorpio chose you, it is for something, probably because he saw someone special in you, someone worthy of his company, someone with whom he can enjoy the rest of his life. Consider yourself lucky and calm by his side.
Your intuition is exceptionally developed.
And this, of course, also affects relationships. Scorpio knows what is happening to you, he knows it well, long before you even want to tell him, and he will talk to you and will provide solutions to each of your problems, point by point. When someone cares, they cannot see him suffer. It will do whatever it takes to get you out of that loop. They enjoy talking things out and helping, and if he has to carry everything on his shoulder, he will.
They will never tell you what you want to hear.
Although Scorpio is super reserved, when he speaks, it is to speak truths like fists, to say what he thinks, what he feels, what there is. It takes a while to open up, but it doesn’t lie once you let it go. So, don’t worry about their dishonesty because there isn’t. When there are problems between you, he will be the first to explain to you what is wrong with him, what he thinks needs to be changed, what has pleased him the most of what has screwed him up to infinity.
They are incredibly faithful.
For Scorpio, it is tough to fall in love. It is true, you can get hooked on people, you can even depend on them, but love is something that you will experience very few times in your life. Therefore, once a Scorpio falls in love, he does it forever unless you are the one in charge of spoiling it. There will be no temptations to make you deviate. Try as you may. You will have no eyes for anyone else. There is no danger in the relationship when everything is going well. They also show very little interest in people they are not interested in. No matter how hard they try or insist, they will always say NO if Scorpios are genuinely in love. You can be very calm. He will not stay by your side if he is unclear about it.
They often prioritize their partner over themselves.
You can cross out Scorpio with many things, yes, it is true, it can have a strong character, it can be the most terrific poison you can throw at your face if you have betrayed it, it can have episodes of madness when you have hurt it, but it is not selfish. If he has ten and has to give you ten, he will. If he has to give up something of his because you need it more, he will. Scorpio knows that he can withstand everything. They are your thing, with his and with his cousin’s. They are psychologists by nature, and if they see you in a low mood, they will be the first to stop whatever they are doing to help you, lift you again, and make you grow anyway, by their side.
Scorpio looks at you and melts you. And you know.
This can be a big problem for others. They hook on the scorpion in a beastly way. It has the power to make you fall asleep so that you enjoy like the most, he kisses you, and you touch the sky, he touches you, and you feel what you have never felt with anyone. Scorpios have an incredible capacity to catch you. They are intense and passionate, they live to please, they explore, they are not ashamed of anything, they try, play, and carry around them the energy that makes them the kings and queens of the bed. Best of all, Scorpios will always be there for you, no matter what they give off, no matter if half the world wants to have something with them. Scorpio will be with you to fire, to death. He is not interested in anything else.
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