Five of Swords: Tarot Card Meaning and Description
Arcana name: | Five of Swords, Destruction |
Category: | Minor Arcana: Swords |
Direct position: | Shame, failure, loss, cowardice |
Reversed position: | Selfishness, weakness, false pride |
Five of Swords: General Meaning
Direct position
The Five of Swords has an extremely negative meaning. Basic meanings: anxiety, meanness, fear, humiliation, loss, collapse of plans. A person in life has a black streak, he is not lucky in anything.
Stress, tears, conflicts contribute to the fact that it seems to him that there will never be a gap in improving the situation. He is in despair, it seems to him that the whole world has entered into a confrontation with him.
Reversed position
In an inverted position, the card still does not bring anything good. Only here can a person’s feelings be associated with mourning. Either the fortuneteller himself may die, or he will have to attend the funeral of a loved one. Deep grief, despair, remorse from their actions in the past - this is what awaits the fortuneteller.
In a word, the card is very tragic. A person suffers very much, and close people and friends are not able to help in solving his problems. It seems unrealistic that so many troubles can happen to one person at once.
Five of Swords: Meaning in love and relationships
Direct position
In love and relationships, the card does not bode well. Reproaches are possible from both the fortuneteller and his partner. The card promises quarrels, desires to take revenge on a partner. You will have to listen to a lot of unpleasant phrases addressed to you. Scandals and quarrels in an alliance do not make such an alliance strong.
The card can be interpreted as follows: a person who is guessing feels in tandem, as if driven into a corner. In these relationships, his partner oppresses him, he seems to take all his energy, trying to subdue his feelings and will in everything. Tears, pain, despair do not allow a normal life, and there is no possibility (or desire) to break such an alliance.
It may also be the other way around. A fortuneteller, himself a too domineering and cruel person, with whom it is difficult to be around. He is rude, impudent, used to being obeyed by everyone around him, including his beloved. The fact that in such a tandem the partner feels bad with him does not particularly bother him, because he does not see anyone except himself.
Changes are possible on both sides. Everyone will look for in another person those qualities that he lacks in this union.
Reversed position
The card in an inverted position further exacerbates its negative interpretation. Troubles can be much more serious than simple “everyday life”. A partner can simply break off relations, and for a fortuneteller this will be a powerful stab in the back.
Everything has been bad lately: quarrels, sarcastic ridicule, mutual insults, and so on. All this led to the fact that the partners began to hate each other. If the relationship is at the stage of falling in love, then it will be easier to survive the breakup.
In the event that the couple is married, then everything will be much more complicated. It is unlikely that it will be possible to part in a good way, and it may turn out that one of the partners wants to use physical force against the other partner.
Five of Swords: Meaning in Situation and Question
Direct position
The Five of Swords does not carry a good meaning; this can affect any area of life, incl. and at work. Gossip, intrigues, discussions behind your back will come from colleagues. If a fortuneteller occupies a leadership position, the card warns of imminent bankruptcy and a complete mess among the team. You need to change your behavior towards subordinates, and then the situation can normalize.
At the moment, a fortuneteller has a complete mess in life, the fault of which is himself. You need to put your thoughts in order, relax, and begin to change your life and attitude towards people.
Reversed position
The card speaks of a fortuneteller’s sudden loss: dismissal from work, unreasonable cash spending, loss of a wallet, etc.
If a person is a businessman, the card indicates that he can lose everything that he now has. Those people who are next to him deceive him without a twinge of conscience. You need to pull yourself together and take the right steps so as not to go broke.
You shouldn’t have personal conversations with co-workers. Among them are many envious and ill-wishers. The card says that a fortuneteller destroys everything around him with his negative energy. He is rude to others, irritable, hard to please. In speech, he often uses obscene language. Not surprisingly, only negative events happen in his life. He should pay attention to the spiritual side of life.
Troubles can provoke heart disease or nervous stress. It will be necessary to try not to take everything to heart so close.
Five of Swords: Meaning of the card of the day
Today, the fortuneteller is in for serious trouble. You have to be careful not to become a victim of scammers and thieves. At work and in your personal life, you need to prepare for possible conflicts. On this day, it is better not to do any serious business.
Five of Swords: Card Board
Do not expect gifts from fate in the near future. Having taken the will into a fist, one must courageously endure the blows of life.
Five of Swords: Combination with other cards
Major Arcana | Wands | cups | swords | Pentacles |
senseless attempts to break spears |
Ace of Wands
depression |
start a pointless battle |
King of Wands
quarrel with a man |
persist in one’s ignorance |
Queen of Wands
quarrel with a woman |
fight for property |
Knight of Wands
deep crisis; chop off the shoulder |
war at home or at work |
Page of Wands
conflict with a teenager |
ignore the laws of morality |
Two of Wands
escape |
disputes, quarrels in relationships |
Three of Wands
endless strife |
hush up the scandal |
Four of Wands
bad deal |
succumb to anger |
Five of Wands
internecine wars |
self-destruction |
Six of Wands
surrender |
a battle won, a battle lost; kill time |
Seven of Wands
struggle with varying success |
act meanly |
Eight of Wands
revenge; repression; retire |
heavy loss |
Nine of Wands
justified distrust; bitter experience |
grief; mortal insult; murder |
Ten of Wands
loss |
addiction after loss |
degradation; yield to the Devil |
loss of health; divorce; serious failure; complete surrender |
hope that the wounds will heal |
intrigue, betrayal |
fight for your place in the sun |
receive according to “merits”; he who sows the wind will reap the whirlwind |
get rid of pettiness and resentment; bury the hatchet |
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