Seven of Pentacles: Tarot Card Meaning and Description

Seven of Pentacles: Tarot Card Meaning and Description

Arcana name: Seven of Pentacles, Perseverance
Category: Minor Arcana: Pentacles
Direct position: Patience, Slow Growth, Pregnancy, Wealth
Reversed position: Loss, pity, impatience, depression

Seven of Pentacles: General Meaning

Seven of Pentacles: Tarot Card

Direct position

An important criterion for success in business is to be patient. During the year, your work will definitely be rewarded with decent pay. Do not worry that the efforts will be in vain, even if such a premonition arises - it is false.

If the work is done, but there are still no results, then something additional should be corrected or done. The lasso indicates personal growth in the coming period of time, but it will be very slow.

Before you start a new business, you have to weigh whether it is worth doing it, what you can get from it. Never rush, otherwise it will delay the final result.

Reversed position

Avoid adventurous affairs and gambling, because now fortune is not on your side. The card speaks of a rapid movement into the void, which does not carry anything useful for itself: no opportunities, no chances, no success.

There is a possibility of health problems, the disease is associated with an infection. Avoid such emotions as impatience, nervousness and anxiety, otherwise a period of depression will come.

Seven of Pentacles: Meaning in love and relationships

Seven of Pentacles: Tarot Card

Direct position

In divination for love and relationships, the card speaks of a deterioration in relations between partners, a violation of harmony and a loss of trust.

It is important to accept a loved one as he is, it is not worth re-educating him. No need to criticize all his words and deeds, to condemn. It will be much better if you calmly talk about this topic.

If the fortuneteller asks the card for advice on whether to maintain a relationship or divorce, the seven of pentacles suggests that such decisions should not be made very quickly. You should think about everything well, and then make a decision.

Reversed position

The card speaks of a lack of harmony in relationships. Deciding to compromise will be extremely difficult for both partners. Your soulmate literally weighs you down and annoys you. Perhaps one of the partners is cheating without a twinge of conscience.

Seven of Pentacles: Meaning in Situation and Question

Direct position

The card is interpreted as a successful resolution of cases, despite the constant self-doubt, a large number of obstacles and difficulties on the way to achieving the goal.

If the subconscious tells you that now is not the best time to decide or start something, stop and rest, pause. This will bring your thoughts back to normal, perhaps a brilliant idea will appear on how to resolve this or that issue.

In the event that a fortuneteller has been working on something for a long time, investing a lot of time, effort and nerves in this matter, then in the near future a final successful denouement awaits.

Reversed position

It is worth weighing everything correctly, focusing on one thing that has a chance of success. Less important things should be postponed until later, because they will interfere with moving forward.

If intuition tells you that there will be problems with money, this is justified. It is because of financial difficulties that you will have to give up many charms in life.

It is not recommended to borrow money, make large purchases, because this can aggravate the financial problem.

Seven of Pentacles: Meaning of the Card of the Day

Today is clearly not for haste, it is worth being more patient, unhurried. Take into account every detail, weigh every decision in your head before you approve it. Any oversight today will provoke the emergence of difficult situations, the solution of which will require large material and energy costs in the future.

It makes no sense to violate plans that are long and painfully implemented. If there is no mood for patience, just take a break, relax, spend time with benefit, pay attention to those closest to you, surprise your loved one with a pleasant surprise. Kindness will definitely be returned to you.

Seven of Pentacles: Advice Card

The card says that you should not make important decisions quickly and impulsively. It is important to weigh and think everything over correctly, and if someone is rushing you in making a decision, then take a delay. Otherwise, you risk getting undesirable consequences, the restoration of which will take material and energy resources.

Seven of Pentacles: Combination with other cards

Major Arcana Wands cups swords Pentacles
be impatient; quit halfway through
Ace of Wands
the wait is coming to an end
bide your time
King of Wands
encouraging investment
languish in the unknown
Queen of Wands
maintaining optimism despite obvious difficulties
investment began to make a profit
Knight of Wands
delay due to loss of enthusiasm
invest in business
Page of Wands
undiscovered abilities, talents
show patience and mercy
Two of Wands
looking forward to the relationship
Three of Wands
“green” harvest
a crisis
Four of Wands
reward for patience
show patience and perseverance
Five of Wands
Six of Wands
instability; everything can go wrong
Seven of Wands
confiscation of property
get justice
Eight of Wands
bound hands; losses
Nine of Wands
practicality test
life makes adjustments to our intentions
Ten of Wands
defeat; running out of patience
the fruits of labor gradually yield results
show impatience; vain labor; bad investments
stay with nothing; lose your investment
patiently hope
unsuccessful investments; emerging problems
reward for waiting and patience
it’s time to reap the rewards; waiting for a miracle
wait for the harvest reward