Ten Of Wands: Tarot Card Meaning and Description

Ten Of Wands: Tarot Card Meaning and Description

Arcana name: Ten of Wands, Many Responsibilities
Category: Minor Arcana: Wands
Direct position: Decisiveness will pay off, unnecessary burden, treason, secrecy
Reversed position: Distrust, overload, dishonesty

Ten of Wands: General Meaning

Direct position

The meaning of the card is favorable. It means good luck, prosperity, financial gain. But the person who is being dealt with is working too hard, not noticing anything around him. That is why all his achievements may not bring him moral satisfaction, and there will be only emptiness in his soul.

The man is a workaholic (as the map suggests), he shouldered a huge burden of obligations. This applies to various areas of life. Like a loaded horse, he tries his best, but there are too many troubles and problems to solve.

If you continue to work in such a rhythm, then failure is inevitable. Typically, the Ten of Wands falls to entrepreneurs who work around the clock at a crazy pace, and are unable to stop. There is only one thing in their heads: work, work, work.

The fortuneteller needs rest, wise advice, a change in life values. The card can denote anxiety and spiritual emptiness.

Reversed position

In this form, the card characterizes a person as a secretive, uncommunicative person. The fortuneteller wants to control other people too much. He hopes in life only for himself. Does not want to listen to anyone’s advice, refuses to help. He is very lonely and suffers from this, but he does not intend to change his principles.

It seems to him that no one appreciates his work. This person feels unhappy, but does not intend to share his feelings with anyone. The card also indicates that a person achieves his goals by using dishonorable methods. If you have to get a job at a new place of work, you need to be prepared for the difficulties in fulfilling new professional duties.

Ten of Wands: Meaning in love and relationships

Ten Of Wands: Tarot Card

Direct position

In love and relationships, the Ten of Wands signals an unequal partnership, when one loving person completely suppresses the will of another. Perhaps the use of physical violence, rudeness, insults. The fortuneteller suffers in such an alliance, but he is afraid to break off relations, because. he lacks courage and determination. A person needs advice on how to find a way out of this situation.

A close relative can help him with this. It is also possible that the relationship will move to a new stage: the creation of a marriage, the beginning of a life together in a civil marriage, the birth of a child.

In any case, the card calls for paying attention to your partner, showing more warmth and care so that the union does not fall apart.

Reversed position

The inverted position of the Ten of Wands warns of the onset of a period of quarrels and conflicts. You will have to experience not the best emotions. This is due to the fact that one of the partners uses the other, charging him with the performance of all duties.

In a harmonious union, two should help each other, and not use a partner for selfish purposes. The card may indicate a possible betrayal and recommends taking a closer look at the person who is nearby.

Further, the situation will only develop for the worse. The sooner you make a decision to break off relationships that have lost their relevance, the faster a new chosen one will appear in life. In alliance with him, a fortuneteller can expect happiness.

Ten of Wands: Meaning in Situation and Question

Direct position

If we consider the situation, this card indicates that the fortuneteller may experience stress. This can apply to both work and personal life. Perhaps the appointment to a new position or the performance of new activities was beyond the power of a fortuneteller. It is very difficult for him. There is no friendly attitude from colleagues and management, which makes it even harder.

A close person is very lacking attention. The fortuneteller needs to think about this.

In health, problems associated with the musculoskeletal system make themselves felt. The pressure may rise. Due to increased stress, depression can begin.

Reversed position

A person is disappointed, because his expectations are not destined to come true. The card says that the fortuneteller is very worried. He is overcome by negative premonitions before completing a difficult task assigned by his superiors.

If the fortuneteller is a leader, he is not able to properly organize the work of his employees. They do not want to comply with his demands. You have to be a stricter boss and be able to say your “I”.

If the fortuneteller came to the new team recently, he is seized with anxiety about the possible inconsistency of the position he occupies. You should not worry, because the tension of the situation will gradually pass.

Also, the Ten of Wands can signal that bad luck has already occurred. Its reasons are that a person overestimated his capabilities too much. Perhaps he was too strict with a partner (or partner), or maybe he took on unbearable business obligations.

Ten of Wands: Meaning of the Card of the Day

This day for the fortuneteller will be difficult. To achieve your goals, you will have to make every effort. It might not work the first time.

Whatever problems arise today, the fortuneteller will be able to solve them safely. He has enough energy and wisdom for this. Might have to work on a new project. At first sight it may seem that it is difficult. You should not refuse it, because in case of successful completion of the case, further career growth is possible.

Ten of Wands: Advice Card

It is worthwhile to mentally tune in to overcome obstacles, taking will into a fist and remembering discipline. Do not overestimate your abilities and show arrogance towards other people. Also, don’t let your boss control you too much.

Ten of Wands: Combination with other cards

Major Arcana Wands cups swords Pentacles
frivolous attitude to the obligations assumed; the mountain fell off my shoulders
Ace of Wands
Ace of Cups
rejected feelings
Ace of swords
heavy thoughts
Ace of Pentacles
health problems; financial burden
to make a mistake
King of Wands
lack of creativity; loss of prestige
King of Cups
excessive control
King of swords
work not for yourself
King of Pentacles
excessive earthiness
despair of understanding the meaning; bear the burden of silence
Queen of Wands
uncertainty; excessive selfishness
Queen of Cups
overwhelmed feelings
queen of swords
burden of loneliness, mourning, loss
Queen of Pentacles
excessive conservatism
excessive economic burden
Knight of Wands
Knight of Cups
exhausted trust
Knight of Swords
excessive haste
Knight of Pentacles
inability to move
excessive economic load
Page of Wands
loss of enthusiasm
Page of Cups
emotional problems
Page of swords
intolerable criticism
Page of Pentacles
unbearable study load; exhausted resources
desperate attempts to save the family; pangs of conscience
Two of Wands
lack of perspective
Two of Cups
rupture of agreements
Two of Swords
suppression of emotions
Two of Pentacles
break into pieces; chronic difficulties; unbearable debt
burdensome relationship
Three of Wands
burdensome cooperation
Three of Cups
Three of Swords
barely contained pain
Three of Pentacles
unbearable professional workload
Four of Wands
encumbered property
Four of Cups
excessive self-pity
Four of Swords
Four of Pentacles
obstinacy; break through a closed door
hold back with all your might; endurance; violence; force pressure
Five of Wands
stress; oppression by disagreements; burden of competition
Five of Cups
excessive pessimism
Five of Swords
Five of Pentacles
financial hardship
load of loneliness
Six of Wands
leadership problems; bureaucracy
Six of Cups
excessive immersion in the past; the pressure of the past; heavy load of memories
Six of Swords
Six of Pentacles
overwhelming financial demands
unfortunate circumstances
Seven of Wands
vulnerable position; oppressed position
Seven of Cups
excessive alcohol dependence
Seven of Swords
burden of guilt
Seven of Pentacles
fatigue with expectations
court punishment; litigation; bear your cross
Eight of Wands
wasted energy
Eight of Cups
see no way out
Eight of Swords
bear the burden of guilt
Eight of Pentacles
be punished; stone on the neck; radiculitis
Nine of Wands
inability to stand up for oneself; futile efforts; excessive demands
Nine of Cups
excessive self-indulgence
Nine of Swords
despair pushed to the limit
Nine of Pentacles
property problems
emptiness; outdated views; burden of the past; bear mourning
Ten of Wands
Ten of Cups
too many family responsibilities; incompatibility
Ten of Swords
Ten of Pentacles
family hardships; family pressure
too many worries
impotence in the face of evil
heart attack from overload; paralysis; complete collapse; be crushed
see no perspective
overexertion disease
lack of optimism
refusal to deliver; see no way out bad decision