Three of Wands: Tarot Card Meaning and Description

Three of Wands: Tarot Card Meaning and Description

Arcana name: Three of Wands, Generation
Category: Minor Arcana: Wands
Direct position: Peak, work, material well-being, support
Reversed position: Carelessness, creative stagnation, arrogance, pride

Three of Wands: General Meaning

Three of Wands: Tarot Card

Direct position

If the Three of Wands appeared in the layout, it denotes the desire for an ideal, a benevolent attitude towards people. Man seeks to realize his creative potential. He is looking for like-minded people to create his own business or work together on a task.

He has a strong energy, inquisitive, smart. Taking the initiative, he almost always turns out to be right. Such people usually make excellent careers. Self-confidence helps them in this.

Reversed position

The card indicates the absence of a fortuneteller’s energy potential. He behaves very arrogantly with others, does not seek cooperation with colleagues. The person has no creative ideas. He has no achievements. The authorities consider him not a promising employee. He is careless in his professional duties.

Three of Wands: Meaning in love and relationships

Direct position

A partnership in love is strong enough. With a person who is now nearby, a fortuneteller can safely think about plans for the future.

If the fortuneteller is a man, he can confidently propose to his beloved. In the event that the fortuneteller is a girl, she can have no doubt that her companion by fate is next to her. You can agree to his marriage proposal.

In the event that the fortuneteller already has a family, minor disagreements that have arisen recently are not a reason for parting.

If the fortuneteller is alone, his loneliness is a temporary phenomenon. In the near future, he will meet with a representative of the opposite sex, who will make his heart beat faster with happiness.

Reversed position

The problems of a fortuneteller with the opposite sex are not just an accident. He does not want to listen to advice, acts rudely towards loved ones. Often commits the wrong things, because of which he cannot count on a long-term relationship with a partner. We must stop, otherwise it will not work to create an alliance, and loneliness is inevitable.

The card indicates the need to become kinder, more affectionate, more tolerant of a partner. You need to learn to forgive other people’s mistakes and words spoken in the hearts. Grievances should not be remembered for a long time. In any case, the fortuneteller must stop being an egoist in order for his relationship in the love sphere to normalize.

Three of Wands: Meaning in Situation and Question

Direct position

In a situational scenario, the appearance of the Three of Wands is a good omen. The implementation of plans will depend on the efforts that the fortuneteller will make for this. If you try, Fortune will definitely help you achieve the desired results.

The Three of Wands are the first successful steps in the life of a fortuneteller. Perhaps he is an inexperienced girl (boy). Due to the fact that life experience is not enough, this young lady makes many mistakes. Every person in this world comes to grow spiritually and strive for perfection.

With age, both wisdom and experience will come, because the fortuneteller has chosen the right guidelines. He will soon have the beginning of a successful period for the implementation of creative ideas. This is the first success. Sometimes the card indicates the first test before further successful events. You can safely voice your ideas to the authorities.

Perhaps one of the influential acquaintances will offer a good promising position to the fortuneteller. It may also happen that a friend will offer to participate in one business. You should not refuse the offer, because. further cooperation will contribute to the expansion of business opportunities and a solid cash profit.

Reversed position

A difficult period awaits a person who has the Three of Wands. Most often, this lasso falls to those who deserve it. Problems and quarrels did not accidentally arise in his life. The reason for their appearance is the excessive self-confidence of the fortuneteller.

Help provided by friends (or acquaintances) is misused. The man was in an awkward position, but there is still a chance to improve his reputation. Soon, the troubles and problems will end.

The person on whom the alignment is made does everything quickly, his beliefs are false, more like fantasies. So, he is wasting his time, money, effort. The card says that the person was mentally unprepared for the difficulties that arose. He is confused and doesn’t know what to do next. Nothing should be done in this situation. Time will put everything in its place. Forcing events is a waste of time.

Three of Wands: Meaning of the Card of the Day

The person on whom the alignment is made has clear life guidelines. He is on the right path to his spiritual development. Today, perhaps, one of the colleagues will offer a part-time job. Perhaps - joint participation in the case, and therefore you need to agree.

Joint activity will allow to realize creative potential. If you try, you can make good money. Using this chance, a fortuneteller may think about changing his profession. In a new type of activity, he will be able to fully realize his potential. At the same time, profits will increase.

Three of Wands: Card Advice

No matter how things turned out before in professional activity and in personal life, one should not lose faith in one’s capabilities. Luck favors those who are willing to take risks. Unnecessary doubts must be driven away. Self-confidence will bring a happy time closer.

At the moment, you need to give yourself a break and do your favorite hobbies, or go to nature.

Three of Wands: Combination with other cards

Major Arcana Wands cups swords Pentacles
unstable result; carelessness in business
Ace of Wands
inspiring results
Ace of Cups
partnership in love
Ace of swords
Ace of Pentacles
emerging financial opportunities
juggling; consult with the master
King of Wands
King of Cups
lay the foundation for a relationship with the King
King of swords
the likelihood of encountering a representative of the law in the implementation of their plans
King of Pentacles
strengthen the financial back
an experience
Queen of Wands
growth of professionalism
Queen of Cups
lay the foundation for a relationship with the Queen
queen of swords
fruitless result
Queen of Pentacles
practical partner
impressive result
Knight of Wands
fleeting success
Knight of Cups
conquest of the object of love
Knight of Swords
disruption of plans
Knight of Pentacles
perseverance on the way to the birth of the project
stable result
Page of Wands
small but inspiring result
Page of Cups
get on the path to romance
Page of swords
envy interference
Page of Pentacles
show practicality; evaluate the financial significance on the path of expansion
maturity check
Two of Wands
suspension of business; study of the results
Two of Cups
engagement announcement
Two of Swords
deepening contradictions
Two of Pentacles
throwing during the implementation of the project
selection result
Three of Wands
Three of Cups
Three of Swords
severe disappointment in the implementation of plans
Three of Pentacles
professional approach
driving lessons
Four of Wands
results that are not a sin to celebrate
Four of Cups
reassessment of what is happening
Four of Swords
postponed plans; stop in the implementation of the plan
Four of Pentacles
cautious approach
lower the threshold
Five of Wands
inconsistency of actions
Five of Cups
unprofitable project
Five of Swords
plans fail
Five of Pentacles
enter the path of destruction
imperceptible result
Six of Wands
stunning results
Six of Cups
Six of Swords
forward movement; testing new ideas
Six of Pentacles
get help; take out a loan
process started
Seven of Wands
actions that are resisted
Seven of Cups
an attempt to realize the impossible; get confused
Seven of Swords
conquering the market with cunning
Seven of Pentacles
investment in the future
settle legal issues
Eight of Wands
stick to the chosen strategy
Eight of Cups
pointless investment of effort
Eight of Swords
bureaucratic barriers on the way to the goal
Eight of Pentacles
a promising stage associated with making money
Nine of Wands
efforts taken “with hostility”
Nine of Cups
implementation of the planned
Nine of Swords
failure accompanying the project
Nine of Pentacles
achievement of financial goals
irreversible process
Ten of Wands
get yourself a headache
Ten of Cups
concluding a marriage union
Ten of Swords
plans fail; opportunities for long-term prosperity
Ten of Pentacles
to find a compromise
devilish plans
losses; ruined plans; process out of control
astrological forecast
shaky plans; ingenious project
creative achievement
judgment, judgment
ambitious plans; entering a new market